As I told you before my best friends are Lizzie, Dian, Allison, and Jello. But I didn't tell you the story on how it all came to be. First up Lizzie!
In the begging of the year we weren't such good friends, but I still don't know why. I guess she didn't know why either. Because over time we were friends. Lizzie is athletic and really fun to be around. she can always make you laugh. Every now and then we always get mad at each other but I would still count her as one of my best est friends.
In the begging of the year we didn't have much of a group as we do now. To make it bigger we needed one more person. That person was Dian. Dian was always a little shy so instead of her coming to us we had to come to her. We all didn't know much about her at least I didn't. After a while me and her became good friends. I found out more about her like: she plays soccer, and she speaks Spanish. Turns out we had allot in common.
At the begging of the year almost all of us started in the same class and then moved to the fourth and fith combo class. Ally was one of them. Ally was very responsible and she never really got in trouble. Ally is very cool and funny (most of the time). She has a really cute little brother in first grade. She is very nice to I am very lucky to have a friend like her.
Jello is the first person I met out of all of them. She is very nice (sometimes) and she usually only fights with her brother Steve. She is awesome and she always has your back. In the begging of the school year I didn't really have any friends while my brother was making tons. Then along came Jello. After we became friends and really got to know each other the rest of the group just had to build up. I hope Jello will always be one of my best friends forever.
And that is the story on how are friendship came to be. Will have our fights every now and then but if the true friends then they will always be on your side! This is something that everyone should have true friends like them.
jelly where did u get that pic??
I love this post good job