
Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer Vacation!!!!!!!!

  School is almost out and I am so excited!  Of course I will miss all of my new friends that I made.  They are so nice and I hope we will be friends for a very long time because I probably couldn't live with out them.  I am going to have so much fun.  My birthday is in the summer to so I don't have to go to school.  Except this year my birthday is on a Monday and I hate Mondays!  So for my birthday I want to go to Hollywood in a limo with 3 friends Lizzie, ally, and jello!  That is my dream summer vacation!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like some great writing! Here are some suggestions for edits: without is one word, and when you say "My birthday is in the summer to" you can change that to the "too" with 2 o's.
    Keep up the fabulous work!


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