
Saturday, May 28, 2011


  "Emma, Emma",called aunt Susan. "Where are you your fathers looking for you".  "I'm hear", said Emma.  She was in the cellar like always,even though she was forbidden from the last incident down there.  It seemed her father was always looking for her to talk about the family business.  She would always look at her father in complete boredom her father just didn't understand that she is still just a child.  The cellar was the one place she could think and just be herself.  Every time she was down their a new adventure awaited.  The house keeper took her down to her fathers office.  This time her father wasn't talking about the newspaper industry instead it was something much worse.  He wanted to get remarried!  You see 5 years ago her mother died then her father went back to work and she was all alone she felt lost like she didn't belong there.  Part 2 coming soon....

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