
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our Heros part 4

 After that they went to the T.V.  They went to channel 90 ( the news), and went to see if anyone needed help.  There was a cat stuck in a tree on Gold Dr. but it was to high for anyone to reach so it was there job to help.  They flew fast as lighting waiting for the wind to pick up to take them faster.  The wind finally picked up and they were there faster than lighting.
  When they got there it was just a trap from there evil Darthon nemeses.  The tree that the cat was stuck in was his secret layer.  And the reporters were just robots that his evil master mind invented.  After they were done falling down they landed in some chairs.  They had hand cuffs to lock there hands in and ropes to tie there feet.  Then someone from the shadows laughed and then said, " Welcome."  It was darthon he was wearing a white science cloak and yellow gloves and a big smile that lit up the room.
  He said he would let them go if one of them gave him there super powers.  Cooper said he would so they were headed to some weird thing to transfer his powers.  Then there was a BOOM!&A POW & A PUNCH.  After all he never gave up his powers but he did hurt Darthon really bad.  Because everyone knows super hero never give up there powers but always punch the bad guys!
                                                       MORAL:  Always be a good friend& always 
                                                       punch the bad guys!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Our Heros Part 3

  On Thursday Bob went to Coopers house and knocked on the front door.  A small mouse answered the door it was his little sister, she sad " You must be Bob." Cooper is in his room." "I'll take you there".  They went back to Cooper's room he was playing a video game.  He said "Hi" then he kept on playing like he had never seen both of them.  He kept on doing that for 2 hours.
  After a few minutes Bob left.  On Friday at school they both didn't talk to each other,  Bob lost his first and only friend and it all lasted 2 days.  Bob went home and felt like crying then the door bell went off.  It was Cooper he asked "Can I come in?"  Bob said "Sure" they both talked and were friends again.
  They both were happy and got fight to homework and then training.  Cooper gave Bob a magic suit that would make him fly.  Then they went off to fly practice.   Bob got a hang of it pretty fast.  
  Part 4 coming soon....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Our Heros part 2

  They went back to Bob's house and had some cookies and milk.  Then cooper said " Hey  can I tell you a secret?" Bob said "Sure",  "Okay well I'm a Super Hero".  Bob's mouth dropped down with shock and then a light bulb went off in his head... Ding!  He thought to himself  " That can finally make me popular".   Then Cooper said "Hello, anyone in there? I was wondering if you could help me?" "Yes" said Bob, I mean yeah, cool, whatever!  " Okay, see you tomorrow and we will talk about it more, okay?" " Yes" said Bob.
  Bob quickly shut the door and got ready for  bed.  The next morning he woke up, he got ready for school quicker than ever before.  Then he caught the bus and was at school in no time at all .  He  waited for Cooper at the front gate.  When Cooper arrived he was carrying a costume for Bob. It had a B on it.
  Then they started talking about how cool it is being a super hero. Cooper said it was really cool but a
lot of work.  It was like the people were getting in trouble because they just want to see super hero's or be on the news, and when you're done they don't even say thank you!  Then he said,  "Meet me at my house on Thursday and we will train for being a Super Hero!" 
   part 3 coming soon...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our Heros

  I am like totally obsessed with Bobby jack.  He is so cool, so I am going to talk about my own Bobby Jack story.  Here check out the video of Bobby Jack here's the link Bobby Jack
  Once there was a young boy named Bobby Jack or Bob for short.  No body expected any thing from him.  He believed that to, all the kids would make fun of him he didn't do anything about it.  His whole child hood was ruined until he met Cooper (Cooper is what you call a fairy god mother).  It was a normal school day Bob was sitting at a lunch table all alone like always.  Then Cooper came over to his table and said  " Hi I'm new I don't have any friends do you want to be my friend?" 
  Bob was shocked he never had a friend in his life he wanted to know if it was all a dream, so he pinched himself really hard.  Then he asked "are you serious?"  Cooper said "Yes!".  They are best buds now and they have many more adventures coming your way!
  Part two coming soon....  

Monday, March 21, 2011

 Harvard Softball Questions
Q: What is the #1 most challenging thing for the girls?
A: Balancing their school work and softball.
Q: What do you think it will be like playing in the cold weather?
2011-03-19_15-11-34_134.jpgA:  We will have to warm up really well and wear batting gloves.
Q: How do you think the girls will play against some of the better teams?
A: They will play well but it will be a challenge.
Q: Are most of the girls already friends if so does that make there playing better?
A: They all are good friends and it makes there playing much better!
Q: What is it like for the girls to be going to one of the best schools and playing a challenging sport?
A: It is challenging but also very rewarding!
    And those are my Harvard Questions!

The Sleep Over part2

Everyone in the town went looking for them.  Then all the sudden there was a sound in the bushes, it was kinda like a scream but no one knew for sure so they kept on walking.  Then the noise went off again this time it was kinda like AAAHHHHH!!!!  This made them walk even faster.  Then it sounded like it was following them they stopped to look around to see what it was, all there was was a dark shadow and 3 laughs followed it.  Then two girls popped out with read beaming eyes laughed and said, "We were sent out here to live in the woods by Jenny Butterler she turned on us now our soles are lost for eternity".  "If you find her and stop her our curse could finally be lifted".   Part 2 coming soon.....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Harvard Softball

This spring I am going to be following the Harvard Softball team.  I got to meet the team and the other coaches.  I got to meet them because my mom and coach Carri  have been friends since they were 13.  Carri asked me if I could be the bat girl and I said yes!  So I got to sit in the dugout and got to talk to them it was cool! After that we all went to dinner and we talked about school and my blog.  The next day we went to go see another game and then we said goodbye and took a picture.  Now they are back in Boston and playing more tournament's.  My favorite part was talking to the girls in the dugout,  I  will never forget them and that moment.

Good luck Harvard

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Monster With Purple Spots

Once there was a monster named Sam.  He lived with his brother,sister,mom, and dad,  they were a peaceful family.  When it came to making friends he was not good he always thought that he was the best.  No one wanted to play with him, when he walked by and said, "hi" they would just ignore him and keep on walking.  That made him really sad when he got home his mother sat him down and said, "the reason people are not playing with you is because you act like your better then them".  He went off and tried to make some friends but no one talked at all, then he came to this really nice girl named Sally. She was willing to talk to him, she said that she was new.  And that she was having trouble with making friends.  Sure in enough they were soon bff's and people were talking to him again!  he was so happy 

Moral of the story is don't be mean surround your self with friends!sam

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Slime Monster That Ate My Shoe

Megan's life was normal till.... Her Dad brought home a Ugly! Green! Toad!.  The first night the toad stayed with them Megan woke up in the morning and saw that all her shoes were missing!  She came running down the stairs screaming mom,dad,mom,DAD! All my shoes are missing an- at this point your wondering why she didn't finish her sentence, well it is because her parents were tucked in a corner being scared.  Then she saw a big green monster making gross sounds.  She finally noticed it was the Toad it was bigger than ever and more slimey.  She thought it was all a dream so she went back to bed.  This time when she woke up everything in her closet was gone! This time her house was gone she was so frightened..... Part 2 coming soon!toad image

Dork Diaries

OMG I think these books are so funny! you should totally read it try to find it at Barns And Nobles. I love them here is a site I found click on the link be a dork