
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Slime Monster That Ate My Shoe

Megan's life was normal till.... Her Dad brought home a Ugly! Green! Toad!.  The first night the toad stayed with them Megan woke up in the morning and saw that all her shoes were missing!  She came running down the stairs screaming mom,dad,mom,DAD! All my shoes are missing an- at this point your wondering why she didn't finish her sentence, well it is because her parents were tucked in a corner being scared.  Then she saw a big green monster making gross sounds.  She finally noticed it was the Toad it was bigger than ever and more slimey.  She thought it was all a dream so she went back to bed.  This time when she woke up everything in her closet was gone! This time her house was gone she was so frightened..... Part 2 coming soon!toad image

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