
Friday, March 25, 2011

Our Heros Part 3

  On Thursday Bob went to Coopers house and knocked on the front door.  A small mouse answered the door it was his little sister, she sad " You must be Bob." Cooper is in his room." "I'll take you there".  They went back to Cooper's room he was playing a video game.  He said "Hi" then he kept on playing like he had never seen both of them.  He kept on doing that for 2 hours.
  After a few minutes Bob left.  On Friday at school they both didn't talk to each other,  Bob lost his first and only friend and it all lasted 2 days.  Bob went home and felt like crying then the door bell went off.  It was Cooper he asked "Can I come in?"  Bob said "Sure" they both talked and were friends again.
  They both were happy and got fight to homework and then training.  Cooper gave Bob a magic suit that would make him fly.  Then they went off to fly practice.   Bob got a hang of it pretty fast.  
  Part 4 coming soon....

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