
Monday, March 21, 2011

The Sleep Over part2

Everyone in the town went looking for them.  Then all the sudden there was a sound in the bushes, it was kinda like a scream but no one knew for sure so they kept on walking.  Then the noise went off again this time it was kinda like AAAHHHHH!!!!  This made them walk even faster.  Then it sounded like it was following them they stopped to look around to see what it was, all there was was a dark shadow and 3 laughs followed it.  Then two girls popped out with read beaming eyes laughed and said, "We were sent out here to live in the woods by Jenny Butterler she turned on us now our soles are lost for eternity".  "If you find her and stop her our curse could finally be lifted".   Part 2 coming soon.....

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